okla..cukup la dulu mukaddimah tu..huhu..aku rasa this is a normal scenario yang berlaku dimana-mana pusat pengajian yang menawarkan perkhidmatan asrama tapi not for all the student..maybe when you came in as a freshie, you'll get the advantage to get a spot in the hostel @ should i say college..tapi sampai satu tahap you will have to find a house or maybe a room to rent outside bila bilik asrama da tak cukup untuk anda..and this time around, nak tak nak, i have to fit in the shoe..
seriously mula-mula bila dapat tahu nama aku muncul dalam list tu, aku sikit pun tak terkejut, sebab aku memang yakin lagi pasti warden kitorang sesangat la tak berapa nak suka kat aku & same here..so memang dah xda sebab la dia nak simpan aku dalam hostel yang kononnya di bawah taklukannya itu..memang time tu, aku rasa sangat bercampur baur, gembira ada, risau ada, kecewa ada, bengang ada, sedih ada, tapi lega pun ada..sebabnya, secara jujurnya, that hostel is a livin hell with some rules which is a total crap..memang aku nak sangat keluar dari hostel tu..tapi ada beberapa isu yang sangat mengganggu aku, iaitu 1st: AKU TEDA TRANSPORT!, & 2nd: I DONT HAVE ANY IDEAL HOUSEMATE CANDIDATES! (pergh ayat tak bole blah!)
tapi skrg, both issues somewhat dah setle, i mean almost..huhu..tapi another issue came as no surprise..iaitu: MONEY MONEY MONEY! come on..duduk luar kot..bila duk luar, belanja sangat berbeza kot..dengan sewa & bil apa semua (which i really need to consider it a lot in my expenses), then tidak lupa bila nak mula hidup kat luar ni, perbelanjaan dalam memenuhi keperluan hidup di luar..ada faham? maksud aku shoping benda-benda kelengkapan hidup macam almari & tilam semua la..thankfully i do got my big bro to help me in this matter so tak la berat sangat aku nak tanggung semua belanja tu..still money is running, floating & dissapearing..huhuhu
& satu lagi aku sedar dalam peringkat awal duk luar ni ialah, only now i realize i got so many things to send away!!! seriously, even now i felt like givin up unpackin!!! sangat banyak barang termasuklah baju yang sekarang membuat aku mula fikir nak devide stuff untuk hantar balik rumah & etc..huhuhu..like seriously, its only 1 1/2 year left of my study life here & after that i would have to get my ass back to Sabah & with all these stuff to pack on, it surely gonna cost me ka-ching! so no joke, i really need to start sendin @ whatever to do with some of these stuff untuk mengurangkan himpunan koleksi ini..huahuahua..
whatever, cukupla kot aku mengarut, malas da nak menaip..aku sangat mengantuk sekarang..esok kuliah dah start..barang tak habis kemas lagi..cuma nak pesan je kepada mana-mana student yang rasa nak duk sendiri diluar tuh, just please do check your saving if you have some..hoho....& for me, right now, ia am just hopin that tomorrow gonna be just fine, @ actually be great! i really need somethin great to turn all this thing all the way around..huhuhu..& its time to fast..hahaha..thats all for now..nitey nitey nightingale XD *LMAO
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